His work portrays the act of confronting one’s desire in vanity, in which he believed is something everyone faces at some point. In his artwork, the devils are used to symbolize greed. He believed that in happy times, being separated from things you feel strongly about creates unhappiness. On the other hand, in difficult times, we become tormented by our constant wish to end misery. At last, happy or not, all roads seem to lead back to suffering.He believed that greed and desire are the main reason for this. The happier you are, the more you crave for more of it, the longer you try to hold on to it. On the contrary, the more discontented you are, the sooner you wish to get rid of it. All this wishing, in the end, always drives us back to suffering.
From his own introspection, the artist found detachment and equanimity to be the way out of his suffering. It demonstrated to him that no happiness or sadness is permanent. Everything merely exists and dies out in cycles.